Kindergarten Holistic Homeschool

Hello Kindergarten Mamas and Papas!

A lot of our families start Homeschooling in Kindergarten, and at this point, they hardly know how or where to start. In this video, we dive into 7 tips to Homeschool your Kindergartener Holistically! I am talking, TOP quality education, made easy for you and fun for your children -that’s what we do here at HomeschoolToGo :)-

In this video, I will go into more detail, but if you prefer to read, keep on scrolling down I’ve created a little summary below:

  1. Use of Stories! Stories are a great way of making learning fun and engaging. Our suggestion is to look for videos (not super stimulating) with big subtitles. This is a brilliant way to trick your child into the love for reading while accelerating the process. If you are homeschooling your child to be Bilingual, try to find the same stories in the two languages that you are teaching! There are many classics that have been translated and are great learning material.

  2. Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons: This book is one of the staples of Homeschoolers.

  3. Teach Phonetics by teaching a Letter and all the Vowels i.e. M - Ma Me Mi Mo Mu. Look for songs that are aligned with the phonetics you are learning each week.

  4. Teach Even and Odd Numbers, Pairs, and counting by twos, with real-life examples.

  5. Strengthen Communication with your Children by asking them to talk about their feelings.

  6. Include Descriptive Language and Story-Telling: Ask them to describe their dreams using drawings and helping them sound out and then write words they use to describe the situations in their dreams.

  7. Include Music and Dance

I wish you all the best in this journey! Please don’t hesitate to reach out, if you find yourself struggling or needing a bit of encouragement in your Bilingual Homeschooling!

Together we will propel the next generation of conscious leaders!


Ms. Houlie

Mother of Gio and HomeschoolToGo. Her love for sharing her passion led her to create this space where all parents can become holistic Teachers and unlock their child’s ultimate potential.


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